Saturday, March 14, 2009

The 'so-called' excellent campus life

The Fle department of Metu is the dream of many language students.So we are lucky to be those who were accepted in this department.But once you get in,you may realize that the thing which seemed perfect before has some shortcomings now.These are the issue of registration,the location of our department and the diffucility of transportation and the defiency of facilities around our surroundings.
I remember my first wednesday in Metu.That was the day of registration.The procedures about registration were so confusing that I would never manage to registerwithout the help of my friends.I wasn't even sure about the courses I was supposed to take and I was expected to do it online.There were advisors to help us but they were treating us as if we had registered ten times before.Besides,we had to wait for them to approve our registration.In front of the advisor's door,there were lots students waiting for them.So if I had the chance I would like to make things easier for new beginners and make things more clear about registration.
'The campus life is excellent on Metu'.This sentence is somewhat familiar with all of us.Most of the time,we hear it from visitors to Metu.But when it comes to our department,we know that the excellent campus life is far away from us.Arriving to our department was a kind of torture for me at first.Altough it's easier for me to get there now,some difficulities still continue.If you miss the last ring bus,you have to walk all the way through the stopping place.Imagine it's winter time,you wouldn't want to be in this situation.It damages you both physically and mentally.Moreover,we don't have wonderful trees around the department.The image out of our window is only the buildings and a street.So I would like to replace our department on Metu campus and locate it near the dining hall.
Lastly,most of the time we miss the date of varied facilities.This is because we are away from 'Çarşı' and the organizers don't bother to make some announcements to our department.Sometimes I hear some of them from my friends who aren't even the students of Metu and I feel ashamed.What is more is that we have nothing to do in our break times.We don't have enough time to go to and turn back from Çarşı so we have to stay in our department.We have to dine in the cantine.If had the chance I would build a complex composing of dining and entertaining places near the fle department.
As for the conclusion, altough almost everyone in our department is aware of these problems there is no action to take in near future.But at least we can come together and raise our voices.Then next generations of fle department may enjoy it more than we did.


  1. I stronglly agree with you about your have just written our thoughts.As for the structure of your essay the thesis statement is clear.The topic sentences are also clear and the conclusion part is well developed; we can understand the aim of essay

  2. A nice essay but there is one point I would like to mention. Could you combine your topics in one thesis statement? If you could combine the following in one sentence, that would be a great thesis statement:

    "But once you get in,you may realize that the thing which seemed perfect before has some shortcomings now.For me,the first one of our department's shortcoming is the issue of registration.Another one is the location of our department and the diffucility of transportation.The last one is about the defiency of facilities around our surroundings."

    This is your thesis statement, but write this in one sentence. Could you please edit your blog entry and rewrite this part?
