Thursday, March 5, 2009

Thesis Statement 1

I. Introduction- Thesis Statement: As human-beings,we are such complicated creatures that altough we can not leave all alone, without sharing our feelings,there are always some secrets we keep deep inside.We try so hard to express and introduce ourselves to outsiders but nobody can truely know us except ourselves.So i have some secrets which are about to be public below.

II. Body Paragraph #1:
Topic Sentence: Since i was a little girl,i’ve been dreaming of traveling the whole world and i have reasons for this dream.

A.Sometimes,i feel like imprisoned to an area which has no exit.
B.There are so many people to get know and so many languages and cultures to learn that i should do something.
C.There are feelings that i haven’t felt yet.
D.There are places that i haven’t been yet and this makes me feel shallow.

III. Body Paragraph #2:

Topic Sentence: I am especially found of my independence and individualism and i feel these on ice.

A. I have recently started to learn ice-skating.
B. It makes my life exciting and makes me feel free.
C.When i’m skating,i listen to myself and get relax.

IV. Body Paragraph #3:

Topic Sentence: I can’t stay away from mirrors.

A.When i wake up,i immediately search for a mirror to look at myself and most of the time it’s on my nightstand.
B. There are lots of mirrors in my room.
C.I always carry a little mirror with me everywhere.

V. Conclusion: Everyone has some secrets,be the first one to explore yours.

1 comment:

  1. You can start writing you essay; however, in your thesis statement give clues about your topic sentences for each body paragraphs. In addition to this, please use "I" instead of "i" and change the word "found of" with "fond of". Good luck with your essay.
