Saturday, March 7, 2009

Hidden Sides

As human beings,we are such complicated creatures that we always have hidden sides and features.Altough we try hard to introduce ourselves to outsiders, some sides of us may stay unheard.I also have different sides in me and I will write about three of them.Fisrtly,since I was a little girl,I’ve been dreaming of travelling the whole world on my own.Secondly,I started to learn ice-skating because I feel liberated and independent on ice.Lastly,I’m keen on mirrors.

When I was a little girl,I was wondering how big the world could be.After I looked into a map to compare the place where I stood to whole world,I was dazzled with its greatness.Since that day of realization,I’ve been dreaming of travelling the whole world.The worls is so huge that sometimes I feel like imprisoned to a zone which has no exit. There are so many people to get know and so many languages and cultures to learn outside.Besides,there are places I haven’t been to and there are feelings I haven’t felt yet and this makes me feel shallow time to time.

I’m especially fond of my my independence and individualism and I feel these when I’m skating.I was already roller skating in my childhood but recently,I’ve started to learn ice-skating too.When I took my first steps on ice a week ago,my instructor was suprised to see how comfortably and smootly I was moving.Then I told her about my past with roller skating.She told me that this could be a reason for my comfort on ice but I definetely had a talent for this sport.I believed in her words until I fell and hurt my back an hour later.Whatever,it makes my life exciting and makes me feel liberated and independent.So I’ll keep on skating.

There is another feature of me.It is somehow weird tough.I can’t stay away from mirrors. When I wake up,I immediately search for a mirror to look at myself and most of the time it’s on my nightstand.There are lots of mirrors in my room and I always carry a little mirror with me everywhere.I know that it may sound narcissist but this habit has developed naturally not because I love the sight on it.For me,the matter of fact is that looking at mirrors is of no wortyh unless you see your soul and essence inside.

Sometimes it may take time to realize and confess our hidden characteristics.However,everyone has some secrets and I hope you’ll be the first one to explore yours.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Hande,
    Firstly, I want to say that you did a good job. It is a very good essay. Because, as far as I see you organised your thougts on a outline and then you wrote what you thought. And so, this marvellous essay came out. It is very well organised. Everything is on the right order.
    Then, as for how you explained your ideas, I can see that you gave examples from what you experienced. They are related to you and your life. You told everything in adetailed way.
    And, your tittle is good, also. It is both meaningful and short.

