Saturday, March 28, 2009

Reasons for a 'Second Life'

Second Life is an internet game.There you sign in and create yourself a second life online.You can have clothes,friends and places there.It takes you into a magic world and people have reasons to get into this world.These reasons are education,business and just fun.
In SL,you can see so many places created by universities from all over the world.They are using it for online courses and for other kinds of meetings.As we are using it as Advenced Reading and Writing section,we have a place there too.We gather there online and do our tasks given by S.Akayoğlu.
Another reason for people to get in SL is business.You know that there are people gaining money from internet.They can make meetings there and do business.They use it for a model to cause new 3D games online.
Sl is a perfect place to spend time and have fun.You can have a profile which is greatly detailed as you can choose even your foot size.You search for places and go wherever and whenever you want to.You can meet lotf os people from all over the world and have fun.
These are only three of the reasons for using SL and I'm sure there so many others to find out.Hope we will enjoy it further:)

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