Friday, May 29, 2009


Like people,places may be unforgettable and indispensable.For me,the most unforgettable and indispensable place of my life is the backyard of my house. It reminds me of my family besides of happy and peaceful moments I shared with them.

Moments of happiness and peace are the most important features of the back yard of my house. There I had very good times with both my family and my friends.We played games and wacthed the stars in the sky at nights. I feel very lucky to be able to experince these things.
We had big family dinners in the backyard and chatted for the whole afternoon. These dinners were different from ordinary ones.Because it was in the fresh air under the shining sun. We will continue to have such dinners when the time is convenient again.

This special backyard,at least to me,is green and lively all the time. There I can listen to myself and my own inner thoughts. Because I can get fresh air and lay down on the ground so that I can think about things in peace and silent.
Because of all the things I mentioned above,this place is important to me. I know that everyone has a special place as mine.
Finally,I hope that these special places keep their beauties in our minds forever.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Reasons for a 'Second Life'

Second Life is an internet game.There you sign in and create yourself a second life online.You can have clothes,friends and places there.It takes you into a magic world and people have reasons to get into this world.These reasons are education,business and just fun.
In SL,you can see so many places created by universities from all over the world.They are using it for online courses and for other kinds of meetings.As we are using it as Advenced Reading and Writing section,we have a place there too.We gather there online and do our tasks given by S.Akayoğlu.
Another reason for people to get in SL is business.You know that there are people gaining money from internet.They can make meetings there and do business.They use it for a model to cause new 3D games online.
Sl is a perfect place to spend time and have fun.You can have a profile which is greatly detailed as you can choose even your foot size.You search for places and go wherever and whenever you want to.You can meet lotf os people from all over the world and have fun.
These are only three of the reasons for using SL and I'm sure there so many others to find out.Hope we will enjoy it further:)

Saturday, March 14, 2009

The 'so-called' excellent campus life

The Fle department of Metu is the dream of many language students.So we are lucky to be those who were accepted in this department.But once you get in,you may realize that the thing which seemed perfect before has some shortcomings now.These are the issue of registration,the location of our department and the diffucility of transportation and the defiency of facilities around our surroundings.
I remember my first wednesday in Metu.That was the day of registration.The procedures about registration were so confusing that I would never manage to registerwithout the help of my friends.I wasn't even sure about the courses I was supposed to take and I was expected to do it online.There were advisors to help us but they were treating us as if we had registered ten times before.Besides,we had to wait for them to approve our registration.In front of the advisor's door,there were lots students waiting for them.So if I had the chance I would like to make things easier for new beginners and make things more clear about registration.
'The campus life is excellent on Metu'.This sentence is somewhat familiar with all of us.Most of the time,we hear it from visitors to Metu.But when it comes to our department,we know that the excellent campus life is far away from us.Arriving to our department was a kind of torture for me at first.Altough it's easier for me to get there now,some difficulities still continue.If you miss the last ring bus,you have to walk all the way through the stopping place.Imagine it's winter time,you wouldn't want to be in this situation.It damages you both physically and mentally.Moreover,we don't have wonderful trees around the department.The image out of our window is only the buildings and a street.So I would like to replace our department on Metu campus and locate it near the dining hall.
Lastly,most of the time we miss the date of varied facilities.This is because we are away from 'Çarşı' and the organizers don't bother to make some announcements to our department.Sometimes I hear some of them from my friends who aren't even the students of Metu and I feel ashamed.What is more is that we have nothing to do in our break times.We don't have enough time to go to and turn back from Çarşı so we have to stay in our department.We have to dine in the cantine.If had the chance I would build a complex composing of dining and entertaining places near the fle department.
As for the conclusion, altough almost everyone in our department is aware of these problems there is no action to take in near future.But at least we can come together and raise our voices.Then next generations of fle department may enjoy it more than we did.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Hidden Sides

As human beings,we are such complicated creatures that we always have hidden sides and features.Altough we try hard to introduce ourselves to outsiders, some sides of us may stay unheard.I also have different sides in me and I will write about three of them.Fisrtly,since I was a little girl,I’ve been dreaming of travelling the whole world on my own.Secondly,I started to learn ice-skating because I feel liberated and independent on ice.Lastly,I’m keen on mirrors.

When I was a little girl,I was wondering how big the world could be.After I looked into a map to compare the place where I stood to whole world,I was dazzled with its greatness.Since that day of realization,I’ve been dreaming of travelling the whole world.The worls is so huge that sometimes I feel like imprisoned to a zone which has no exit. There are so many people to get know and so many languages and cultures to learn outside.Besides,there are places I haven’t been to and there are feelings I haven’t felt yet and this makes me feel shallow time to time.

I’m especially fond of my my independence and individualism and I feel these when I’m skating.I was already roller skating in my childhood but recently,I’ve started to learn ice-skating too.When I took my first steps on ice a week ago,my instructor was suprised to see how comfortably and smootly I was moving.Then I told her about my past with roller skating.She told me that this could be a reason for my comfort on ice but I definetely had a talent for this sport.I believed in her words until I fell and hurt my back an hour later.Whatever,it makes my life exciting and makes me feel liberated and independent.So I’ll keep on skating.

There is another feature of me.It is somehow weird tough.I can’t stay away from mirrors. When I wake up,I immediately search for a mirror to look at myself and most of the time it’s on my nightstand.There are lots of mirrors in my room and I always carry a little mirror with me everywhere.I know that it may sound narcissist but this habit has developed naturally not because I love the sight on it.For me,the matter of fact is that looking at mirrors is of no wortyh unless you see your soul and essence inside.

Sometimes it may take time to realize and confess our hidden characteristics.However,everyone has some secrets and I hope you’ll be the first one to explore yours.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Thesis Statement 1

I. Introduction- Thesis Statement: As human-beings,we are such complicated creatures that altough we can not leave all alone, without sharing our feelings,there are always some secrets we keep deep inside.We try so hard to express and introduce ourselves to outsiders but nobody can truely know us except ourselves.So i have some secrets which are about to be public below.

II. Body Paragraph #1:
Topic Sentence: Since i was a little girl,i’ve been dreaming of traveling the whole world and i have reasons for this dream.

A.Sometimes,i feel like imprisoned to an area which has no exit.
B.There are so many people to get know and so many languages and cultures to learn that i should do something.
C.There are feelings that i haven’t felt yet.
D.There are places that i haven’t been yet and this makes me feel shallow.

III. Body Paragraph #2:

Topic Sentence: I am especially found of my independence and individualism and i feel these on ice.

A. I have recently started to learn ice-skating.
B. It makes my life exciting and makes me feel free.
C.When i’m skating,i listen to myself and get relax.

IV. Body Paragraph #3:

Topic Sentence: I can’t stay away from mirrors.

A.When i wake up,i immediately search for a mirror to look at myself and most of the time it’s on my nightstand.
B. There are lots of mirrors in my room.
C.I always carry a little mirror with me everywhere.

V. Conclusion: Everyone has some secrets,be the first one to explore yours.

Friday, February 27, 2009


Hi everyone.I'm Hande.I've been a student of S.Akayoğlu since the very beginning of the fall term.He is one of the most understanding teachers of the department because he is closer to us in terms of his age;)Those who are new in this section,You may get confused with the tools at first but be sure that I would like to help you anytime.As time pass you will get used to it and enjoy it more.We can make things more enjoyable together so don't hesitate to say hello.I'd appreciate this because i like making new friends.I won't tell anything more about me actually.I just strongly advise you to know me without prejudice and shyness.
I hope everything will be alright for us.
See you on Monday:)